SDN Worlds STGOD Wiki

The Most Holy Legion of the Knights of Order, Sworn to Defend Insania, Wing Military:

Naval Wing

The Knights of Order’s most expensive wing, the Naval Wing of the Legion is dedicated to the protection of the space around the planets of the Domain. The Wing is organized into Arms, each Arm performing operations in that Sector during times of peace, and organizing Task Forces during times of War.

Arm I (de Bois-Guilbert)

1x Novalith Commandship (Ecclesiastes) – Commanded by Grandmaster Beaumanoir
1x Command Cruiser () Commanded by Sir De Bois-Guilbert
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship (Predator, Anvil)
3x Civilization Battleship (Commonwealth, Directorate, Republic)
3x Heavy Cruiser ()
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm II (von Cronberg)

1x Novalith Commandship (The Paycheck) – Commanded by Grandmaster-General De Bracy
1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir von Cronberg
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship (Monarchy, Despotism, Democracy)
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm III (Malvosin)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir Malvosin
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm IV (von Hoyningen)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir von Hoyningen
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm V (Ivanhoe)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir Ivanhoe
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm VI (d'Ors)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir D’Ors
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm VII (Cajal)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir Cajal
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Arm IX (d’Ancézune)

1x Command Cruiser Commanded by Sir d’Ancézune
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser 5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Marine Wing ()

100,000,000 Regulars
25,000,000 Elites

Paladin Wing

Fleet Arm (Lyons)

1x Novalith Commandship (Persephone) – Commanded by Sentinel Lyons
1x Command Cruiser
2x Predator Superheavy Battleship
3x Civilization Battleship
3x Heavy Cruiser
5x Cruisers
10x Light Screening Frigate
30x Ultralight Screening Frigates

Special Forces Arm (Le Fanu)

50,000,000 Elites

Intelligence Forces

1x Novalith Commandship (Polysyllabic Designation) – Commanded by Spymaster Howe.
6x Spymaster Intelligence Cruisers (Spymaster, Knife’s Edge, Silent Runner, Slink, Shadow’s Eye, Pseudonym)
12x Snoop Intellegence Vessel (Snoop, )
75,000x Intelligence Drones (ID00000, ID00001, ID00002...)

100,000,000 Regulars
100,000,000 Garrisons
25,000,000 Elites

Ground Wing ()

100,000,000 Regulars
200,000,000 Garrisons

Cost-Analysis & Class Explanation

Ships, $43,000

60x Shuttles (at $1/60 per 1), $1
Shuttles are the simplest form of transportation, reserved for missions to and from the secure Fortress Insano space habitat holding the Doctor’s digitized mind. The Shuttles are

1320x ARC Hyperspace-Capable Shuttles (at $1/30 per 1), $44.00

15x Diplomatic Escort Frigate (at $30.00 per 1), $450.00

10x Interstellar Yachts (at $5.00 per 1), $50.00

270x Ultralight Screening Frigates (at $20.00 per 1), $5,400.00

90x Light Screening Frigates (at $50.00 per 1), $4,500.00

45x Heavy Cruisers (at $90.00 per 1), $4,050.00

27x Heavy Cruisers (at $190.00 per 1), $5,130.00

9x Command Cruisers (at $200.00 per 1), $1,800.00

27x Civilization Battleship (at $300.00 per 1), $8,100.00

18x Predator Superheavy Battleships (at $500.00 per 1) $9,000.00

4x Novalith Commandships (at $800.00 per 1), $3,200.00

6x Spymaster Intelligence Cruisers (at $100.00 per 1), $600.00

75,000x Intelligence Drones (at $.001 per 1), $75.00

12x Snoop Intelligence Vessels (at 50.00 per 1), $600.00

Soldiery, $15,000

300,000,000 Regular Soliders, (cost of 1/100,000 per $1) with (x2) Equipment, $6,000.00
300,000,000 Garrison Soldiers (Cost of 1/200,000 per $1) with (x2) Equipment, $3,000.00
100,000,000 Elite Soldiers (Cost of 1/50,000 per $1) with (x3) Equipment, $6,000.00

Combat Philosophy

